Asylum or Refugee is the protection that the United States grants in its territory to people who cannot remain in their country because their lives are at high risk if they remain there. You can apply for asylum, anyone who fears on the basis that she may be persecuted for the following reasons:


When it is shown that you have a discriminated nationality in the country of origin.

Political opinion

When it is shown that you have an adverse opinion to the home government, or belong to an opposition political party or group.


When it is shown that he practices a religious belief, that it is not publicly recognized in the country of origin


When it is shown to belong to a race, ethnic identity, tribal group or family clan that discriminates in the country of origin

Belonging to a certain social group

When it is shown that you belong to a particular (non-political) social group e.g. Gypsies, Mohammedans, homosexuals, transsexuals etc. that are discriminated against

Requirements for U.S. Asylum Application

  • Prove that you have been persecuted or that you are afraid of being persecuted.
  • Has not been permanently based in another country.
  • You are eligible for admission to the United States.

People granted asylum will be able to receive financial, student and medical assistance from the government, if they qualify and within the year of their asylum has been approved, they will be able to apply for permanent residence. For more information ask for an appointment.

We are ready to serve you!


The cost of the appointment is $80.

The $80 appointment is a non-refundable deposit granting an interview with the consultant. In case that the customer decides to move on with the Asylum Application with Albatros Consulting, this deposit would be deducted from final price. Actual/Final price vary depending on several factors to be considered during interview.